Challenge Exercises

If you have time available, take your pick of the following to help solidify what you have learned in this module. If you don’t have time to fully implement, at least consider what your approach would be, and discuss with your instructor:

  • Modify the Lambda function you used in the Kinesis-to-SQS exercise to modify the data in some other way, for example, changing the X-rotation rather than the Y-rotation.
  • Modify the Lambda function you used in the Kinesis-to-SQS exercise to send the messages read from the Kinesis stream to the SNS topic used for fan-out, so that you can see multiple consumers of the messages read from the stream.
  • Add another Lambda function to the Kinesis stream to perform processing on the stream in parallel.
  • Experiment with the dashboards feature of Kibana to create graphs that highlight information about the sales data being sent between the two EC2 instances.