Setup S3 bucket website

Create, configure and populate an S3 Bucket Website

  1. Connect to Window virtual machine. Open Command Prompt
  • Execute the following command to create an Amazon S3 bucket to save website resource.
aws s3 mb s3://idevelop-lab5-<your_initials> --region <your_region> --profile aws-lab-env

Replace <your_initials> by your initials or other characters to create an Amazon S3 bucket whose name is unique.
Replace <your_region> by your Region code

Setup S3 bucket website

You can create an Amazon S3 bucket to save website resource by AWS Console or the command line.

2. Download file and extract

  • Open Messaging Project in the Eclipse IDE
  • Open the file whose the path is Messaging/scripts/aws-config.js Setup S3 bucket website
  1. Execute the following command:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name DevAx-05 --query "Stacks[].Outputs[*].[OutputKey,OutputValue]" --profile aws-lab-env
  • Save value of CognitoIdentityPoolId, QueueUrl1, QueueUrl2, QueueUrl3, FIFOQueueUrl, TopicARN to use in next step Setup S3 bucket website
  1. In the file aws-config.js, Replace ap-southeast-2 by your Region Code
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID by the value of CognitoIdentityPoolId we saved in step 3
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_QUEUE_URL_1 by the value of QueueUrl1 we saved in step 3
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_QUEUE_URL_2 by the value of QueueUrl2 we saved in step 3
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_QUEUE_URL_3 by the value of QueueUrl3 we saved in step 3
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_QUEUE_URL_FIFO by the value of FIFOQueueUrl we saved in step 3
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_SNS_TOPIC_ARN by the value of TopicARN we saved in step 3
  • Save. Setup S3 bucket website
  1. There is one more item to replace, REPLACE_WITH_IOT_ENDPOINT. Execute the following command to get this value
aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS --region <your_region> --profile aws-lab-env

Replace <your_region> by your Region code

  • Save the value of endpointAddress to use in next step Setup S3 bucket website
  1. In the file aws-config.js, replace REPLACE_WITH_IOT_ENDPOINT by the value of endpointAddress we saved in step 5 Setup S3 bucket website
  2. Execute the following command:
aws s3 website s3://<bucket_name> --index-document sqs-standard.html --region <your_region> --profile aws-lab-env

Replace <bucket_name> by the name of the S3 bucket we created in step 1.
Replace <your_region> by your Region code.

Setup S3 bucket website

From Step 8 to Step 10, the Public policy will be applied to your bucket for lab purpose only and this is a security risk. If you do not want to public your bucket and just want to public objects. Please skip to Step 11.

  1. In the Eclipse IDE, open the file whose the path is Messaging/bucket/policy.json
  • Replace idevelop-lab5-< yourinitials> by the name of the S3 bucket we created in step 1.
  • Save. Setup S3 bucket website
  1. In the Eclipse IDE, click Messaging
  • Press Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut to open the terminal
  • Execute the following command to update the bucket policy
aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <bucket_name> --policy file://bucket/policy.json --region <your_region> --profile aws-lab-env

Replace <bucket_name> by the name of the S3 bucket we created in step 1.
Replace <your_region> by your Region code.

Setup S3 bucket website 10. Copy the contents of the folder you exploded the zip file into, to the S3 bucket you created earlier, Execute the following command

aws s3 cp . s3://<bucket_name> --recursive --region <your_region> --profile aws-lab-env

Replace <bucket_name> by the name of the S3 bucket we created in step 1.
Replace <your_region> by your Region code.

Setup S3 bucket website 11. Copy the contents of the folder you exploded the zip file into, to the S3 bucket you created earlier and public all the uploaded objects, Execute the following command

aws s3 cp . s3://<bucket_name> --recursive --region <your_region>  --profile aws-lab-env --acl public-read

Replace <bucket_name> by the name of the S3 bucket we created in step 1.
Replace <your_region> by your Region code.

Setup S3 bucket website 12. After the command executes, you are ready to review the website in your browser. Open a web browser and browse to the following location


Replace <bucket_name> by the name of the S3 bucket we created in step 1.
Replace <your_region> by your Region code.

Setup S3 bucket website

SQS Queue Setup

The lab environment setup has configured the SQS queues used in this lab, using a CloudFormation template.

  1. Go to AWS SQS console. Setup S3 bucket website

Four queues have been provisioned. Three are standard queues, and one is a FIFO queue. Here is a snippet of the CloudFormation template that provisioned these resources:

"idevelopDrawQueueFIFO": {
	"Properties": {
		"QueueName": "idevelop_drawqueue.fifo",
		"FifoQueue": true,
		"ContentBasedDeduplication": true
	"Type": "AWS::SQS::Queue"

"idevelopDrawQueueStandard1": {
	"Properties": {
		"QueueName": "idevelop_drawqueue_1"
	"Type": "AWS::SQS::Queue"

As you can see, it is very easy to use CloudFormation to declare your SQS infrastructure. You can also use the Create New Queue button in the AWS Console to create a queue manually.